
The Association has three classes of membership: Full Member, Associate, and Affiliate. VAHP operates on a fiscal year beginning July 1st through June 30th.


Full Membership is available to health plans licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and operating to serve at least one covered person in Virginia, or an association representing such health plans. A Member includes any affiliated health plan which is also licensed in Virginia.

Full Members' benefits include:

  • Advocacy for health insurance issues at the Virginia General Assembly
  • Representation on regulatory issues considered by the Virginia Bureau of Insurance
  • Spokesperson for Virginia's health benefits industry in the media
  • Opportunity for input in policy decisions affecting the health benefits industry
  • Ongoing communications and updates regarding industry issues
  • Participation in annual events with member plans


Associate Membership is available to health plans that have a limited presence in Virginia and are otherwise eligible for full membership in VAHP, including an organization that has applied for licensure as a health plan but does not yet qualify as a member or provides or arranges for the provision of single or supplemental health benefits. This membership category provides some of the benefits of full membership, such as legislative tracking, but at a lesser dues level.


Affiliate Membership is available to business entities, professional organizations or associations, and other corporate interests which support the philosophy and goals of the Association. An Affiliate Member may be a managed care entity other than an organization meeting the criteria for Member or Associate Member. VAHP's 30+ Affiliate Members represent the pharmaceutical, NEMT, PBM, behavioral health services, and medical supplies industries.

Affiliate Members' benefits include:

  • Access to information: VAHP's Executive Director and SVP of Policy are available to answer your questions about Virginia's Medicaid, Commercial or Medicaid managed Care markets, Virginia's health plans and our current political environment. We will schedule one-on-one meetings for you with the Executive Director.
  • Connections: VAHP will assist you in facilitating face-to-face meetings with leaders from Virginia's health plans
  • Events: VAHP hosts 2 important events for our members: the Annual Meeting, typically held in May/June, and the Fall Forum, typically held in November/ December. Our events focus on the most current developments in national and state-level healthcare delivery systems that affect our health plans, Virginia's providers and citizens. We take an in-depth look at legislation to be heard by the Virginia General Assembly, regulatory updates from Virginia's Bureau of Insurance, and political changes in the leadership of Virginia's Senate and House of Delegates. There are also opportunities to meet and network with plans' leaders and colleagues.
  • Website recognition: your company will be listed as an Affiliate Member in with a link to your website
  • VAHP's Annual Legislative Summary of the current year's Virginia General Assembly Session
  • Opportunity to sponsor the Annual Meeting and Fall Forum
  • Affiliate Member
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Affiliate Membership is available to business entities, professional organizations or associations, and other corporate interests which support the philosophy and goals of the Association. An Affiliate Member may be a managed care entity other than an organization meeting the criteria for Member or Associate Member. VAHP's 30+ Affiliate Members represent the pharmaceutical, NEMT, PBM, behavioral health services, and medical supplies industries.

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  • Associate Member
    12 months
    Package price

    Associate Membership is available to health plans that have a limited presence in Virginia and are otherwise eligible for full membership in VAHP, including an organization that has applied for licensure as a health plan but does not yet qualify as a member or provides or arranges for the provision of single or supplemental health benefits. This membership category provides some of the benefits of full membership, such as legislative tracking, but at a lesser dues level.

  • Full Member
    12 months
    Package price

    Full Membership is available to health plans licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia and operating to serve at least one covered person in Virginia, or an association representing such health plans. A Member includes any affiliated health plan which is also licensed in Virginia.

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