COUNTER was born from the collaborative effort of scholarly publishers and librarians in 2002, and effective collaboration is still the driving force behind the organisation. We value the involvement and expertise of our members, who help us to provide and maintain the COUNTER Code of Practice. Our members influence the development of the COUNTER Code of Practice through community feedback, can join our committees and working groups to have a more direct impact on our work, and get involved with the development of tools, training events, and resources beyond the Code of Practice. Members also receive quarterly newsletters and updates, and of course have voting rights at our Annual General Meeting.
Annual revenues more than £9.25 million/US$14 million
Annual revenues less than £9.25 million/US$14 million
Annual revenues less than £6.5 million/US$10 million
COUNTER membership is free for libraries and publishers in Research4Life countries (see criteria here Applicants will be checked to confirm they comply with this criteria.